
Heracles, ni hao ma?

<--- [Linda and the Tibetan couple]

The recent public protest in China for hosting the coming up Olympics remind me of an incident that me, Linda (an activist working on HIV/AIDS issue in China and Sylvain (a soft hearted feminist anarchic from Quebec) encountered in Montreal few years back. We were waiting for a gig to start (it was Ted Leo and the Pharmacists) at the Spanish Esplanade Club, situated in the somewhat more “young and hip” spot of Montreal, when an old Chinese couple approached the three of us. We thought they were Linda’s relatives or Chinese folks wanting to do some bonding with fellow countrymen until they said, in firm loud voice, “We are Tibetans,”

Sylvain swore under his breath or mumbled something about hoping no fights will ensue out of that “reunion” while I just stood, grinning rather foolishly. Both me and Sylvain had some sparse knowledge of the China-Tibet conflict and were prepared to intervene should anything occur. However, the couples just came closer to her and gave her a strong wholesome hug that only two old friends can afford to give each other after a long separation. Then, they start talking in their native language while the couple from time to time, pointing and holding the native made sling bag she had with her. No wonder, Linda explained later, the sling bag was decorated with Tibetan native motifs and became an entry point for the couple to act in such way.

“But you’re not a Tibetan, you’re Chinese,”

“I know, I explained that a Tibetan friend gave that bag to me and the rest is history,”

They spend the rest of the waiting period conversing with each other, laughing and smiling over some stories or jokes they shared while me and Sylvain tried our best trying to get a glimpse of the cute guys who was busy doing sound check. The Tibetan couple showed us their nice big restaurant just opposite the club and invited us over for a meal. “Maybe next time”, we said.

We rocked with Ted Leo that night (and some other up and coming Montreal bands that are quite “syok sendiri”) while at the same time felt relieved that our comrade did not get into an inter-State conflict right before we are ready to enjoy the gig. To Linda, I miss you actually and hope you continue to touch the lives of people in China with your hard work and determination.

To China, May Heracles watches over you
*shaking my head and rolling my eyes while saying this*

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