It seems that the State feels making campuses in Malaysia undemocratic and subject to draconian control is not enough. Hey, let's even sell the land and relocate the institution!
I know that as compared to the 70s, UM 's reputation has been reduced from a university which ignited student's social and political movement to an institution infested with billboards idolizing government leaders. But still, I love my alma mater. I don't want it to be relocated to Sepang!
Read the news here.
I know that as compared to the 70s, UM 's reputation has been reduced from a university which ignited student's social and political movement to an institution infested with billboards idolizing government leaders. But still, I love my alma mater. I don't want it to be relocated to Sepang!
Read the news here.
i've changed my account url. :)
hey makcik... you were suppose to call me and come to the museum for lunch what happeng?
sorry bout yesterday. i had to stay at the hospital for sum blood checking and stuff. just up and feeling better today. union guy lak lupa bayar bill phone, so phone kene potong. jgn bunuh gua!!!
biler bole jumpa?
lu kasik talipon gua, any time lah i suppose as long as i tak busy. let me know.
its ok lah madam, saya fahma :)
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