
Lina oh Lina...

The way of love is not a subtle argument.
The door there is devastation.
Birds make great sky-
circles of their freedom.
How do they learn it?
They fall, and
falling they’re given wings.

-Jalaluddin Rumi

I have really abandon this new blog. Work and flu,two depressing elements in my life now, really kept me away from me blog.

And then, there's Lina.

Well, I didn't rush to my PC straight away after the COA announced its decision. I was stuck with 30 plus hardcore women activists, feminists or social workers, discussing the next direction my organization should take in confronting women rights issues. But in the end, everybody wants to talk about Lina. The reaction was of course, pretty mixed. Some said Lina should not court her demands, that was why it is inviting controversies. Some said she was asking for trouble, the "label" Islam in one's IC does not signify anything, anymore. Very few, in soft voices, thought that Lina is going through all the trouble because she wanted to be honest with herself. At peace with herself.

On Monday, the next week, I was called for an interview with an international human rights organization. The same question about Lina, was posed by the panel of interviewers. Lina, again. I told the interviewer, I kinda expected the question. "Then, you are ready to answer my question," He said with a hint of smile. I said "Not exactly. I ponder about this kind of problem everyday,"

Back in office, after a long concocted story of why I was away for the whole morning (which did not at all touched on the interview...hehehe), my supervisor told me that I need to initiate a programme targeting religious people and establishments. The aim would be to reconcile the society's understanding of Islam and human rights. I could almost read "freedom of religion" between the lines. I could also imagine Lina, sitting on her own, unknown amongst the audience, during my programme. A week after Lina Joy's decision hit the public, the urge to write something about the decision grew stronger.

Yes, Lina Joy is not perfect. By Islamic term, she's a "murtad". A renouncer of Islam. Yes, she also made a difficult (or stupid, as some of us thought) decision to make her status publicly known. Now, her freedom of conscience becomes a technically legalistic argument. But, isn't Islam in Malaysia has been reduced to a mere technical matter?

In the Constitution, Islam becomes a comatose existence. It is one of the prerequisites for one to officially hold the title "Malay". The document states Islam is the religion of the land. But what does it mean, anyway? Again, technical.

I know Islam requires a system to work. A framework to materializes its existence as away of life. But is there any point of having a system which does not co-exist with its believers constant battle with social issues, personal questions about life and God or changes which require in-depth study or reinterpretation. It is now a system which stand tall to words or action which go against Islam. But perhaps, it was never meant to pose the big "?" over why people doubt Islam or why people lost faith in Islam. What a shame. I met people with these kind of questions everyday. Not because they hate Islam. It is because as human beings, they are independent units with mind and feelings. They can never escape these questions, as far as I see it.

It's like this old house I frequent every day on my way to work. Strong and majestic. I bet it had withstand the test of weather and other natural ordeals. But the house seemed like a ghost. Empty. Abandoned. Its "For Sale/Rent" sign is rotting away among the tall grass in front of the old house. It might stayed on for another 10 or 20 years to come. But without owners or occupants. Cold and lonely.

I hope that is not ISLAM.


easeart jalil said...

The silver lining in this whole Lina fiasco remains this: That those who want a freer, more liberal Malaysia have begun to raise their once lowered voices and the ones espousing medieval, holier-than-thou Islam are beginning to take note of opposing views from their neighbours.

Gee said...

Well, yes. But I hope they are "taking notes" in a healthy way.

Its been a while. Sibuk ke, chegu?

LuciusMaximus said...

human being can think and they will always have question that need to be answered. but too bad our version of islam here is very much orthodox and theocratic that it kills any curious mind who seek answer and explanation.

"jangan persoalkan, dah allah suruh ikut jer...kamu nak persoalkan buat apa, nak jadi murtad?!"
typical answer given by ustaz/ustazah

Gee said...

hi lucius,
damn right. which is a shame because the spirit of inquiry is very much encouraged in Islam. but of course it is very much easier to control closed minds rather than thinking ones. the death of enlightment in Islam, I believe, has a lot to do with the powers that be. Be it historical or contemporary.

Welcome to my humble blog, btw.